In-Depth Variant Analysis:  c.1671G>C (p.Trp557Cys)
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Variant Comments & Reference:
NAResidue Information:
Name | Type | Cyclic | Size | Position | Hydrophobicity | Charge | |
Substitution Analysis:
Structural Implications:
FVa: Trp557 is an exposed residue  (surface accessibility value = 2 ).
Trp557 is in a random coil area of the FV structure.
The DSSP assignment for this residue is ... T.
Hint: Left click mouse | To rotate the structure
Hint: Rotate mousewheel | To zoom in/out the structure
Hint: Right click mouse | to use applet control options
Spacefill | |
Cartoon | |
Wireframe | |
Trace | |
Backbone | |
Spin | |
Background | |
Disulphides | |
Domains | |
Alternative Colouring | |
Labels | |
Structure |
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